Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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MP calls for justice for burned woman

The  Machakos Women Representative, Joyce Kamene Kasimbi has urged police to intensify their search for a man who went into hiding after pouring petrol on his wife and setting her ablaze.

The  MP said Mutunga Mulee should immediately be smoked out of his hideout to face justice after he inflicted serious burns on Veronicah Mathei’s face, stomach and legs following a domestic tiff att heir Katothya home in Masinga Sub-County.

The incident happened on Monday night when the woman returned home to find her husband, who works in Nairobi was home. On entering the house, it is said, she was splashed with petrol by the man and set aflame, forcing her to remove her clothes to save herself from eminent death.

Kasimbi expressed her concerns when she visited the injured Mathei who is admitted at the Masinga Level 4 hospital where she was taken in a critical condition.

The legislator decried the rise in domestic violence cases, saying time had come for society to look for a lasting solution to the disturbing trend.

Noting that most of the victims were women, she advised them to seek advice or refuge whenever they sensed violence from a spouse, instead of waiting to be maimed or killed.

Kasimbi said she will not relent in her fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and called for amicable solutions to disagreements between spouses, instead of resorting to violence.

Speaking earlier, after the woman had been brought to hospital, area police boss, Francis Siror, confirmed and announced that police have started a manhunt for the fugitive.

By  Justus Keesi

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