Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Murang’a: Inua Masomo programme supports top students

Murang’a County has started the Inua Masomo programme for this year. This programme pays school fees for the top ten students in every class at all-day secondary schools in the county.

Speaking when he launched the programme at Kiria-ini Girls High School, Governor Irungu Kang’ata said the programme will cover term one fees for the top ten students in forms 2, 3, and 4 in day schools across the county.

The governor said that this method will boost attendance at high schools and boost academic success in day schools. It transfers the decision-making power for bursaries from the government to the students.

“The top students will be picked each term, consequently encouraging competition amongst students every term.” He said.

According to Kang’ata, the programme fosters transparency in the bursary issuing process and also strengthens the local economy by retaining the education funds within the county.

The Inua Masomo initiative helps over 7,000 students stay in school every term by covering their fees completely. It recruits new beneficiaries regularly to support this goal. Moreover, the programme seeks to make education accessible by supporting vulnerable students while at the same time encouraging competition by rewarding top performers.

Furthermore, the county will continue to give bursaries to boarding school students who were beneficiaries under the Nyota Zetu programme, started by the previous Governor, Mwangi wa Iria.

By Purity Mugo

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