The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has announced plans to construct its headquarters at the Directorate of Veterinary Services, Kabete which will also host a Regional Reference Molecular Laboratory.
The Authority’s acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Nehemia Ngetich said that the headquarters will also serve as demonstration field for approved genetically modified crops.
“This is a big milestone, considering NBA has been renting office spaces which has posed a challenge in establishing a permanent molecular lab for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) detection and other molecular tests,” announced Ngetich during the signing of a MoU with Directorate of Veterinary Services Director Dr. Allan Azengelle.
The event was also attended by NBA board of directors Chairperson Prof Jenesio Kinyamario, board member Mohamed Hussein, Directors, Moses Sande, Dr. Ann Karimi, Josphat Muchiri among others.
Concurrently, Dr. Azengele welcomed the signing of the MoU noting that it will go a long way in supporting the institution in realizing its mandate.
Meanwhile, the Authority has put in place a robust legal and institutional framework to regulate GMOs and their derived products.
It is mandated to exercise general supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of GMOs with a view of ensuring safety of human and animal health and provision of an adequate level of protection of the environment.
The new GMO Testing Laboratory which will serve the region at large was commissioned by the Authority in June 2022 at the NACOSTI Building, which currently hosts the NBA headquarters.
The laboratory has increased the NBA’s capacity to test for GMOs for regulatory samples collected from the points of entry and markets through surveillance and clients’ submitted samples.
It is worth noting that Kenya is a member of the international community and is a signatory to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety which is a multilateral environmental agreement whose objective is to ensure an adequate level of protection in the safe transfer, handling and use of GMOs and their derived products.
At the national level, Kenya approved the National Biotechnology Development Policy in 2006, enacted the Biosafety Act in 2009 and has so far published four Biosafety Regulations namely; the Biosafety (Contained use) Regulations, 2011; the Biosafety (Environmental Release) Regulations, 2011; the Biosafety (Import, Export, and Transit) Regulations, 2011; and the Biosafety (Labelling) Regulations, 2012.
Additionally, the Authority is also tasked with the role of creating public awareness to educate Kenyans on GMO foods, including regulatory safeguards, and the importance of informed consumer choice.
The Authority has so far published four regulations including; Biosafety (contained Use) regulations, 2011, Biosafety (import, export and transit) regulations, 2011, Biosafety (environmental release) regulations, 2011 and Biosafety (labeling) regulations 2012.
NBA’s role fits well with the government agenda of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) focusing on agricultural transformation and inclusive growth, transforming the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) economy among others.
Some of the strides that have been made by the Authority include development and publication of necessary Biosafety regulations to support operations and mandates of the Authority.
By Michael Omondi