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Home > Counties > Bomet > Ndanai Sub County hospital in Bomet delivers their first baby through CS

Ndanai Sub County hospital in Bomet delivers their first baby through CS

The  Sh.10 million theater equipment at Ndanai Sub county hospital in Bomet donated by the National government became operational last week after lying idle in stores for the last five years.

The  Sub County hospital serves 15,000 residents of Sotik constituency and neihbouringNarok and Nyamira Counties, hence the  facility will help them cut cost of traveling to other referral health facilities to get surgical services.

Pregnant  mothers in the area previously were forced to travel long distances to Tenwek mission hospital 55km, Kapkatet 35km  and Longisa hospitals 68 km to deliver babies through Ceasarean Section (CS).

The first beneficiary of the facility was a woman from the neighboring Nyamira County who was lucky to deliver successfully  through CS at the facility on the very day it was launched.

Jeremiah Mageto, a resident from neighbouring Ekerubo said while he was hesitant to allow his wife to undergo surgery at the facility and was waiting for the referral letter to take her either to Kapkatet or Kisii referral hospital, time was  running out which prompted him to sign consent.

He said the assurance from the doctors that all would be well made him change his decision which helped him cut cost of  travelling to Kisii referral hospital for the same services.

“We live less than two kilometers from Ndanai and when my wife went into labour, we rushed to Ndanai health center hoping  we  will be referred to Kisii or Kapkatetet in Kericho but she has been successfully operated and we have a bouncing baby  girl named Blessings,” Mageto said.

The  Medical Superintendent at the facility, Dr. Erick Kibet  said the theater room has been fitted with ultramodern
equipment  which were supplied by the national government but the facility was lacking room.

He  said the County government constructed the theater room at the cost of Sh. 2 million and the contractor handed over the completed building two months ago.

The  Bomet county Medical services CEC, Dr. Joseph Sitonik who supervised the inaugural surgery said it was a milestone for not only Ndanai but also the county since it will decongest Longisa County referral hospital.

Dr. Sitonik said  the  facility, apart  from  easing pressure and congestion at referral hospitals, will also save lives of mothers and babies who are always at risk traveling long distances.

“There is no longer going to be long queues at Longisa Theater due to congestion and pressure from referrals in Sotik. Infact  we  will be referring patients from Longisa to Ndanai,” said Sitonik.

He  said  Ndanai is the second Sub County health facility to have the equipment supplied by the national government installed after Cheptalal health center in Konoin constituency.

Dr. Sitonik   said the county was also finalizing the installation of equipment at Sigor hospital in Chepalungu Sub County and Kapkoros health center in Bomet central constituency.

The equipment had been lying idle in stores since they were supplied by the national government in 2015.

The  former Governor, Isaac Ruto had refused to sign for the supply of the equipments by the national government but  they were supplied without his consent.

By  Joseph Obwocha

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