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Nyamira County launches Child Policy 2023

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has officially launched the County Child Policy 2023 to enable all children in the County to access enhanced care, protection and basic rights as enshrined in the Constitution and the Children’s Act 2022.

Governor Nyaribo observed that children face a myriad of challenges which in most instances are unattended to and the majority of adults assume they are just kids and have nothing to say or contribute in society thus denied a chance to access their rights.

“The 2019 census indicated that in Nyamira, the total population of persons between the ages 0 – 19 were 307,000 which comprises about 42 percent of our total population, a key population which our government has decided to invest in so that we can leave behind a generation which is empowered.”

“Children in our region face challenges like neglect by their caregivers, subjected to child labour like brick and ballast making, tea picking and even working as domestic workers or farm hands and are denied an opportunity to access education which is free shatteering their hope of living an economically stable future.”

The Governor pointed out that another upcoming challenge is cyberbullying, child trafficking for child labour or commercializing their body organs which caregivers, especially parents, must be on high alert because these abuses greatly endanger the lives of our children.

“My government will team up with all willing stakeholders and partners in providing the necessary services, protection and support to these vulnerable groups of population in my county to ensure that they also enjoy being citizens of this county and country,” Nyaribo pledged.

Nyamira County Commissioner, Onesmas Kyatha stated that his officers and the police will ensure all the criminals who abuse children will be prosecuted before the courts of law to serve justice to the innocent children.

“If you think that your high socioeconomic status will bail you out of your heinous acts of defiling, assaulting and neglecting this vulnerable group of residents in Nyamira, be warned that it won’t be business as usual. We will pursue such matters to the bitter end until justice is served,” CC Kyatha affirmed.

Ms Rebecca Hallam, the Country representative for Catholic Relief Services (CRS), an organization that has been collaborating with the County government to support them in the development of the Child Policy 2023 confirmed that the collaboration has been very mutual so far.

“Through mutual collaboration with the county government of Nyamira, we have managed to develop the Child policy for service delivery in responding to the very immediate needs of children in this county. This policy will guide the formulation of sustainable children-related programmes and services by stakeholders who deal with children in their mandated service delivery. The county representative explained.

Ms Hallam said she was delighted and impressed with the county leadership and their relentless commitment to matters concerning children and promised that their collaboration will continue because they have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to ensure together they will create a better world for children.

“My government is committed to ensuring that implementation of this Child Policy 2023 by my administration is seamless. We shall allocate resources to child welfare programmes that will support vulnerable children and their households so they also grow up in conducive home environments,” Confirmed Nyaribo.

By Deborah Bochere

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