The government has commenced resumption of operations in Huduma centres across the country as the economy gradually reopens.
Public Service Principal Secretary Mary Kimonye said that with the progressive reopening of the economy, Huduma centres needed to go to full operation from where they had scaled down operations to just issuance of birth certificates and identity cards.

Speaking in Nanyuki on Friday when she visited the area Huduma centre to check on its readiness to resume full operations, Ms. Kimonye added that Covid-19 prevention measures and protocols such as social distancing must be put in place and adhered to as one way of stemming the spread of the pandemic as they offer services.
She called on government agencies that had stopped offering their services at the Huduma centres to resume operations in line with guidelines issued by the government through the ministry of public service.
“We have issued guidelines on how to process employees who are coming back to work from confinement, how to process officers in government offices such as how to manage meetings and office space and how we manage the use of paper,” Ms. Kimonye said.
The PS noted that there was a need for public officers to serve wananchi in the context of Covid-19 by ensuring that they are safe and also, those whom they serve.
“Officers working from home must uphold the dignity and honour of the public office by observing the principles and values as contained in chapter six and 13 of the constitution,” she added.
Laikipia East MP Amin Deddy who was also present during the tour called on the Ministry of Public Service to fast track setting up a new Huduma centre at Makutano trading centre in Wiyumirie in Laikipia Central Sub County.
By Martin Munyi