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Perimeter wall best spot for Youth working on-line

After remaining indoors for close to three months following Government’s bid to contain corona virus disease, young people in Limuru Sub-County of Kiambu County can no longer suppress the urge to work on-line.

The youth standing outside the innovation hub which closed its door following the Presidential order that people should work from home have been braving the cold weather by waking up in the morning to work on-line while maintaining social distance.

KNA toured the area and found scores of youth working while keeping distances as per the health directives. Some were seated under the trees while others stood while keeping distance along the perimeter wall of the innovation hub.

Antony Mwangi told KNA that he has stayed indoors for a long time and that he needed to resume his life. “I was used to waking up in the morning and coming to work on-line here because of the free internet which is not available at our home,” he said as he posed to complete what he was doing.

Mwangi said the administrators of the hub should sympathize with the young people in the region and re-open the facility but insist on observing health conditions which they were now used to and would adhere to them.

He admitted that though the weather was unfriendly the thought of sleeping on an empty stomach was more severe.

Joseph Nderitu also called for the opening of the hub, saying there was ample seating space within the compound of the Innovation hub. “It is not a must that we sit inside the hub, but we can arrange seats within the compound and work as we worked before.

He reiterated that poverty was soon catching up with him and others who were used to working on-line using the free internet service from the government. “For how long shall we remain locked up in the houses? Who will put food on the table for adults like us when our parents were now relying on us, he posed.

Nderitu noted that in as much as the government was putting in place measures to contain COVID-19, it should think out of the box on better solutions to cushion young people who relied on free services of the internet.

This services had come in handy and many people are now self-reliant thus enabling them to eke a living, he said. He appealed to the administration of the hub to put in place measures to reopen the facility while promising to adhere to the health rules put in place to contain infection of COVID-19. Perimeter wall best spot for Youth working on-line

The hub was the most vibrant in within Kiambu County where scores of young people have been trained to work-online and are currently imparting the same skills in other youths in their villages.

By  Lydia Shiloya

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