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Home > Counties > Police Intensifies Illicit brews crackdowns in West Pokot

Police Intensifies Illicit brews crackdowns in West Pokot

Over 1000 litres of illicit brews were today confiscated and destroyed during an ongoing crackdown being conducted by area administrators in Kaibos Location of Kapenguria Division in West Pokot County.

Area Chief Joseph Kiplimo and his assistants told KNA that the team conducted successful raids on illicit liquor brewers in Kaptoposwo village where they managed to destroy 300 litres of Kangara and at Lengu village 200 litres of chang’aa and 1000 litres Kangaraa.

“We have embarked on a serious campaign against illicit brews and drugs. We call upon people of goodwill to join as in this endeavour,” stated the chief.

Kiplimo reiterated that the war against illicit brews must be won since society cannot be held at ransom by some selfish individuals who capitalize on other lack of control to gain wealth.

“It is my request that we come together for this noble cause. Any suggestions on the best ways to eradicate this menace are welcomed,” appealed the chief.

The team also managed to confiscate the brewing equipment and two suspected brewers escaped arrest after getting wind of the operation.

By Richard Muhambe


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