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Sh150 million to improve water supply in drought hit areas

Lamu Water and Sanitation Company is set to receive Sh 150 million from the Water Sector Fund in a bid to boost water supply in water insecure areas within the County.

Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Dr Andrew Tuimur, stated that the National Government will continue to collaborate with the County Government to ensure water access to the most vulnerable residents is made available.

“The steps being taken by the County Government and the initiative to invest heavily in improving water supply in Lamu East should be commended and the National Government will be looking to increase funding towards water projects in water scarce areas such as the Boni,” Dr. Tuimur said.

Speaking in Lamu Island during an inspection tour of a water project in the County, Water Sector Fund CEO, Ismail Shaiye, stated that the Company was looking to enhance LAWASCO capacity to provide fresh drinking water in Lamu.

The Water Sector Fund CEO revealed that the funding is set to be disbursed from next year in February, in a bid to aid the County Government increase water supply initiative in drought hit regions of the County.

The Water Sector Fund under Medium Term Arid and Semi-Arid Programme (MTAP), The Drylands Eco Region Research Programme (DERP) and Green Growth and Employment Programme (GGEP) has so far financed 28 water and sanitation and eight water resource management projects in Lamu County.

“The total investment that the Water Sector Fund has made in Lamu so far amounts to Sh 232,830,885 with access to fresh water being made available to 83,118 people, most of whom live in water scarce areas,” Shaiye said.

The Lamu County Government has so far spent at least Sh 400 million of its development budget since 2018 on water projects across the County.

The Lamu County in partnership with Water Sector Fund have so far implemented a Sh 40.5 million Kizingitini Water and Sanitation Extension Project that will benefit 4,657 residents in Lamu East.

Also in Lamu East the Pate Marine Community Conservancy has been fully funded by Water Fund for the Shanga Rubu Djabia Project to a tune of Sh. 6.5 million, with the project so far targeting at least 25,000 residents in Faza Ward.

Lamu Water and Sewerage Company CEO, Paul Wainaina, lauded the Water Sector Fund’s efforts to boost funding for water projects in the County, adding that plans are underway to ensure that Lamu County is fully piped and connected to water supply by 2022.

By Amenya Ochieng

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