Monday, February 17, 2025
Home > Counties > State to deploy police reservists to Isiolo, boost security

State to deploy police reservists to Isiolo, boost security

The government will be deploying 320 National Police Reservists (NPRs) to eight Wards in Isiolo County in an effort to improve the provision of security in the area.

Area County Commissioner Geoffrey Omoding said that 190 NPRs have been deployed to Garbatula, Merti Sub-counties and Oldonyiro Ward, while an additional 130 reservists will be engaged in Ngaremara and Burat Wards in Isiolo Sub-county by the end of this year.

He said that in the new arrangement, the NPRs will be put in camps and not work from their houses so that they can be responding to any insecurity incidents on time.

Omoding added that keeping the NPR in camps will also promote close working relations with Police Station bosses and local chiefs and get command from a central point.

The County Commissioner said that the county and national governments would be providing some stipends to the NPRs. “To control the misuse of the firearms, the NPRs will only use them in the county of residence and not any other Counties,” he said.

The administrator said that since the NPRs were deployed in Garbatulla and Merti areas, cases of cattle rustling and other crimes were reduced by 60 percent.

Omoding added that security had improved in the last two months since the rangers from the local conservancies and the NPRs are skillfully coordinated by the government and ensure the firearms are not misused.

He said that previously the KPRs were not properly managed and no monthly returns were made to the authority as required hence complicating the standard of accountability on firearms’ usage.

“Those NPRs rifles are government property and should be accounted for by senior officers who are supposed to keep records of them and give periodical reports,” he said.

Omoding added that Wabera and Bulapesa Wards which are within Isiolo Township will not be provided with the NPRs because the area has adequate police officers and also put on security patrols.

On the current drought, Omoding said that a new formula has been introduced by multi-agencies where most needy families are identified and food from both national and county governments dispatched to their homes.

The administrator warned that no government officers including chiefs and their assistants would be allowed to distribute the relief food adding they are supposed to properly oversee distribution.

He urged the national government administrative officers in the field to support the government by providing updated and timely information on drought so as to allow swift interventions.

By Abduba Mamo


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