Monday, January 13, 2025
Home > National Counter Terrorism Centre

Mainstream CVE into your programmes, county governments told

All  the  47 county governments have been urged to mainstream Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in all their programmes. Speaking  during the close of a two-day training workshop for Busia County Security

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EU grants Sh.19 million to Stave Violent Extremism in Lake Region

Two  Counties  in the lake region have benefited from a Sh.19 million European Union (EU) grant to stave  violent extremism in the region. The  initiative that is being implemented by the

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A Rapid action plan to counter violent extremism activities

Counties  have been asked to fast track the development of coherent and inclusive strategies  to  supplement national government efforts in the fight against violent extremism in their regions. The  National  Counter

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