Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Women ministry responds to havoc caused by pounding rains

The  Women ministry of Kayole district of Seventh Day Adventist church in Nairobi County on Sunday embarked on an initiative meant to alleviate suffering of people who have been affected by the pounding rains countrywide.

During  a meeting at Tumaini Seventh Day church, the  Adventist women leader, Mrs. Alice Okinyi called on the women to respond to the humanitarian call by bringing food which, includes cereals, money and clothing which will in turn be donated to the beneficiaries in other parts of the country.

Mrs. Okinyi told the meeting that Kayole district which comprises of Tumaini, Berea, Ushindi and Kayole  were expected to contribute 4 sacks of beans by next Sabbath.

She  told the members that they should be able to preach and show those in distress the love and care which was sincere. These she said can only be done through our action as we cannot continue to sleep in comfort while having three meals in a day while our brothers and sisters in far-flung counties were suffering from a phenomenon that that not of their own making.

“God has kept you alive and you haven’t been affected by the landslides which have afflicted thousands of people in other parts of the country. You should therefore be ready to donate in cash or in kind so as to enable those who are affected by nature to heal and come out of the problem which has even taken away the lives of their beloved ones,” said Mrs. Okinyi.

The women leader further clarified that those who gave clothing should bring those still in good condition and could be worn and not tatters.

By Sabbath, the four sacks and other donations will be availed to the Central Kenya Conference church headquarters so that it can be handed over to the team charged with distribution of the humanitarian aid from all Seventh Day churches across the country.

Mrs. Okinyi  however, clarified that the donations shall be received at the church throughout the week so that “we can meet the deadline and so that our donations is presented on time bearing in mind that the rainy season has just begun and effects were taking a toll on some people because of the geographical locations of their homes.

She  called on those who can still contribute more than the target given by the CKC to do so, saying God will bless them abundantly. She also reminded them not to forget the vulnerable in their neighborhoods that could already be experiencing the effects of the pounding rains.

By  Lydia  Shiloya

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