Monday, February 10, 2025
Home > Counties > 3,000 boda boda riders registered in Garissa Township to tame crime

3,000 boda boda riders registered in Garissa Township to tame crime

Police in Garissa Sub County have successfully registered over 3,000 boda boda riders and zoned them into more than 100 groups according to their stages in reforms that seek to streamline the sector.

The programme which is being undertaken in conjunction with the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), The National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), social development department and the religious leaders also seeks to train the boda boda operators on road safety to ensure they are licensed to operate.

Speaking after a one day workshop for security officials and the boda boda stage chairpersons, Garissa township sub county police Commander James Ngétich says that crime associated with boda boda riders has decreased since the programme started.

“Over the past years, boda boda riders in the country have been accused of committing various crimes and being rogue. We have found a way here to bring them closer, establish a good working relationships with them so that we can root out the bad ones and tame crime,” Nge’tich said.

“Robbery cases and stubbing by criminals with boda bodas have significantly gone down since we started this process. There might be a few incidents but we will deal with it firmly,” he added.

The OCPD urged all boda boda riders in the area to comply with the directives to avoid arrests by traffic police officers.

Nominated Member of Parliament for youth Umi Harun, who sponsored the event together with the Kesho Alliance non-governmental organization called on national leaders and public institutions to come up with ways to empower the boda boda riders who are a key pillar to the country’s economy.

Umi said that once the boda boda operators are empowered and trained, no politician will be able to incite them to cause harm especially during elections.

“Once people are informed and empowered, no one can invite them in any way. The leaders need to ensure they support these riders and not to wait to use them in electioneering time,” Umi said.

 By Erick Kyalo

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