The Murang’a Catholic Bishop, James Maria Wainana has joined the debate on the impeachment of Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru by requesting the Senate to be fair to the governor.
Wainaina said the Senate should come together and determine if the accusations against the governor by the County Assembly of Kirinyaga are true and if so deliver justice to the people.
“I appeal to the members of the Senate to carry out their work impartially regardless of the many suggestions from the County,” Wainaina said
He said the Senate is in a position to carry out investigations and come up with a fair result that will either discharge the governor from the accusations leveled against her or find her culpable.
The Bishop said the Assembly was right to impeach Waiguru as their core mandate is to oversight on the executive.
“The work of the MCAs is to oversight all development agenda and other activities by county governments. Should they find the executive have gone contrary to the law, then they have a right to conduct the impeachment,” said the clergy.
Wainana however, appealed for peace and harmony adding that the impeachment of the governor should not be allowed to divide the people of Kirinyaga.
“Let us maintain peace and work together to realise development and not let whatever is happening in Kirinyaga retard development of the region in any way.
Wainaina said leaders should focus their energy in solving the problems facing the community especially a time like this when many people have been left vulnerable due to Corona virus pandemic.
“When leaders fight, they tend to concentrate much of their energy in fighting one another thus neglecting the role of solving challenges facing their people,” he maintained.
Maria asked the leaders to cease political tensions and concentrate on serving the nation while avoiding factors that can divide them.
“It is time we give preference to the big four agenda promised by the government and restrain from 2022 politics as there is time for everything. 2022 will come but let us now focus on development,” he said.
The Bishop asked leaders and citizens at large to maintain peace and embrace unity for the sake of development.
The Bishop spoke at Kerugoya Catholic Church while he received a donation of 500 bales of wheat flour from Broadways Company as a second consignment to the Diocese.
“Since the nation was hit by Covid- 19 pandemic, Murang’a Diocese launched an initiative CDM help to help in response and this donation goes to the initiative to reach all the less fortunate in Kirinyaga,” he said.
He said the contribution will go a long way in helping the needy in the communities while at the same time asked able Christians to assist the less fortunate.
“I have had a chance to visit many places during this pandemic and have realized that there are a lot of people suffering in the grassroots as some can barely afford a meal, I therefore urge anyone with something extra in cash or kind to render a helping hand,” he said.
Nicholas Munyoki, the Head of Sales at Broadways Company said the group is in the frontline in assisting those severely affected by the pandemic.
He said the organization has given money to the tune of Sh.12.5 million to the national government as a response to Covid pandemic besides food donation to around 15 counties which includes West Pokot, Ukambani, Nakuru Muranga and Kirinyaga.
Munyoki said the decided to use religious groups in the distribution of the food since they are able to get to the most vulnerable; orphans and the disabled in the society.
“We have today given 500 bales of wheat flour to Kerugoya Catholic Church through the Bishop and we are confident it is going to get to the most needy cases across the county,” he said.
By Dorris Wanyagia/Irungu Mwangi