Residents of Ndera location in Tana River County have demanded that the local chief who is accused of murdering a school boy in 2018 be interdicted as per the code of ethics for civil servants.
In an interview with Kenya News Agency, the residents questioned why Mr. Mohamed Abae was still in office arguing that according to the laid down regulations, he ought to be under interdiction pending the hearing and conclusion of his case before a Malindi high court.
But reacting to residents’ demands Tana River County Commissioner (CC), Oningoi Ole Sosio claimed that chiefs had become soft targets of malicious persons seeking to remove them from office.
Sosio said he was aware of the matter but his office was still investigating since there were indications the accusers were being driven by malice. He could not delve further as the matter is in court.
“The Ndera chief is not the only one targeted for removal,” he said, adding, “One chief in Tana River Sub County and another in Tana North Sub County are facing various accusations bordering on malice.”
“It cannot just be a coincidence that a number of chiefs in this county are accused of various misdeeds,” Sosio told Kenya News Agency in an interview on Tuesday.
He said in all instances, some assistant chiefs are said to be using agents to make false allegations against the chiefs so they (assistant chiefs) can ascend to their bosses’ offices.
He said a chief in Tana River Sub County was framed by his detractors in a case in which he is accused to trading in game meat.
Some people killed some dik dik (small antelopes) and then called Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officer, implicating the chief in the trade, while Bangale Chief in Tana North Sub County is being accused of giving false information to the police.
“In all cases, there are ambitious assistant chiefs behind who want their seniors to step aside so they can take over,” he said adding, “That is why we have to investigate first before taking any action against the officers.”
In a related incident, a chief in Waldena is accused of shielding his brother who is accused of raping a 68-year old woman.
Residents say the chief’s brother allegedly raped the woman and went into hiding, but relatives of the woman claim the chief hid his brother to prevent him from justice.
By Emmanuel Masha