Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Families displaced by flash floods

Over  20 families living in Kikuyian area in Narok East Sub County are a crying foul after flash floods destroyed their homes following heavy down pour being experienced in the area.

The  floods also swept away over 600 acres of land under plantation as the water emerged from underground sweeping about 10 kilometres, before disappearing again into a deep crack.

Speaking  to the press when he toured the area on Tuesday, the Narok East Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Okumu Oloo asked the residents living in flood prone-areas to move to higher ground to avert possible disaster.

“I know it is expensive to leave your homes to move on upper grounds, but it is better than risking your lives on lower grounds prone to flash floods before a permanent solution is found,” he said.

The DCC observed that the mysterious water flow could have been caused by change of water way following massive clearance of land for farming.

“There are very few trees and bushes in this area because the residents have cleared the area for farming. This could have led to the change of water course leading to such mysterious water flow,” said Oloo.

His sentiment were echoed by the Narok East Member of Parliament, Ken Kiloku who called on the department of roads and water to visit the area to find a lasting solution.

“We are now living in great fear because a great earth quake can occur in this area since it is near the Naivasha Geothermal project, we ask the government to intervene and help us resolve this problem once and for all,” said Kiloku.

This comes only a day after over 120 families were displaced by flash floods at Emarti area in Trans Mara West Sub County.

The  Narok County Governor, Samuel Tunai  who donated foodstuffs and beddings to the affected families asked the residents be vigilant, while crossing flooded rivers and move to safe grounds until the rains are over.

By  Ann  Salaton

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