Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Home > Counties > Garissa residents urged to protect endangered reticulated Somali giraffes

Garissa residents urged to protect endangered reticulated Somali giraffes

Communities living next to the wildlife conservancies in Garissa County have been asked to support the protection of the local reticulated Somali giraffes.


Speaking in Bura East conservancy of Fafi Sub-County during the World Giraffe Day, Garissa CEC for Environment Habon Aden said the local reticulated giraffes were among the rare endangered species and thus called for concerted effort towards their protection from poachers.


Habon noted that poaching remained a major threat in Boulargi, Fafi Conservancy and continued to claim the lives of rare Somali giraffes thereby attracting the world’s attention.


The CEC thanked the local community for their peaceful co-existence with the giraffes and urged them to be vigilant and report cases of poaching to mandated authorities.


“We want you to be vigilant and report any poachers you come across.  Let us also learn to co-exist with wildlife and let them access water from the river Tana,” Habon said


“I am pleased by the team that came up with this initiative to establish a conservancy for the giraffe and other wildlife in Bura East. The county government will give you all the support you need to ensure that giraffes enjoy full protection,” she added


The Chief Officer for Natural Resources and Wildlife Ahmed Shidiye urged all stakeholders to join hands towards the protection of the endangered species. This is in line with this year’s theme “conserving the Somali giraffe.”

By Erick Kyalo

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