Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Help in tackling crime, youths urged

The  Youth in Marsabit County have been urged to take mentoring sessions being undertaken during the Kazi Mtaani  programme activities in order to have a foundation for a brighter future.

The  Marsabit  Town Municipal Manager, Boru Golicha called on the youth to jealously guard their future by joining forces with local law enforcement agents in the fight against crime.

Golicha who was the chief guest in Tuesday’s work briefs to over 109 working groups in the National Hygiene Programme (NHP) advised against idleness which he lamented led to youth involvement in drug and substance abuse.

The  Municipal Manager  who was accompanied by the County Director of Youths, Arthur Mwangi and the Deputy Head of the County Kazi Mtaani Secretariat, Festus Chepkwony asked youths to view life positively and to exploit the many avenues being provided by the government to enable them access credit for small enterprise.

Golicha pointed out that Kazi Mtaani, if well molded and executed, could give an impetus to Uwezo fund, youth enterprise fund as well as the women enterprise fund which for a long time have experienced low absorption rates.

He asked the secretariat to enlighten the youth about the existing opportunities to ensure that they do not fall back to joblessness after their six months’ stint at NHP.

Golicha asked the youth in Marsabit to own development projects done by the government and development partners and to protect them against vandalism.

He cited street lights which vandals have been targeting hence plunging the residential areas into darkness thereby compromising security.

“The government has installed street lights to ensure people go about their businesses uninterrupted while boosting security in our residential areas,” he said, adding vandals have been stealing floodlights that costs the government thousands of shillings to install just to make quick buck.

During the occasion, the municipal manager distributed PPEs bought by the Marsabit county government to help the 3,371 youths enlisted in the Kazi Mtaani program to protect themselves against Covid 19 pandemic.

The  PPEs included hand sanitizers, safety jackets, gloves and face masks.

By  Sebastian  Miriti

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