Sunday, December 8, 2024
Home > Business & Finance > NEMA official arrest four over plastic bag ban

NEMA official arrest four over plastic bag ban

At  least  four  people have been arrested in the last  one  week  in  Garissa  following enhanced enforcement of plastic bags ban by officials  from  the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA).

The  agency  has been conducting operations in hotels, colleges and institutions in a bid to ensure compliance to the Efficient Discharge License (EDL) which require better waste management procedures among institutions.

The  NEMA County Director, Adhan Bile  said the agency is investigating the source of plastic paper bags.

There  have  also been allegations that huge consignments including the banned plastic paper bags are illegally being smuggled across the  border  from neighbouring  Somalia.

“I  want  to  send a warning to those behind the business that we will soon catch up with them,” Bile said. He said the four suspects have been arraigned in court and charged.

“We  are  continuing with our operations to ensure plastic ban is fully complied with,” he added.

Saadia  Hashim  Mohamed who led the enforcement team said the agency will continue with their operations to ensure all environmental laws  are complied with.

“We  have issued warnings to institutions who did not adhere to EDL and we expect them to abide by the law or we charge them,” she said.

“We  are  also engaging institutions to ensure compliance of environmental audit report,” she added. The NEMA officers  were backed by the  police and county enforcement officers.

By  Jacob  Songok

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