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Plans underway to establish Lokichar Law Court

More than 153,736 residents of Turkana South will now seek justice from Lokichar Law Court whose establishment is at an advanced stage.

This follows an aggressive move by the national and county governments to establish a first law court in Lokichar reducing the distance people travel to Lodwar and to Kitale and Eldoret outside the County to seek justice.

Speaking to the Judiciary team who had paid him a courtesy call in his office, County Executive Committee for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Areas Management, CEC Peter Akono said his Department will provide necessary support required by the local Judiciary in matters of land in the County.

Shemmy Ebulon, Ag Lands Chief Officer assured the visiting Judiciary team that her office has expedited the necessary documentation required to facilitate the publication of gazette notice of the land in Lokichar for the law court.

The Judiciary team led by Senior Principal Magistrate Lodwar Law Court Desderias Orimba said the Judiciary arm of national government has heeded calls by Lokichar Community to establish a permanent court in Turkana South after 10 years of mobile court services from Lodwar Court.

He said the new court in Lokichar once established will serve Lokori, Kapedo, Kainuk and Katilu on mobile court services.

On the same line, the Lodwar Court Magistrate said is thankful to Lokichar Community for donating 15 hectares of Land to the Judiciary to establish the court.

Magistrate Orimba said that his office and that of Lands are working around the clock to ensure the documentation is in place, to facilitate the Chief Justice to gazette the land as soon as possible.

This will pave the way for its official announcement as a permanent court on Friday 25th November, 2022 during the launch of 16 days of activism in Lokichar.

During the event in Lokichar, the Principal Magistrate said, Justice Joseph Seregon of Lodwar Law Court and colleague from Nairobi, will grace the occasion.

The Magistrate said after the 25th Friday event, the residents in Turkana South will have justice served immediately and not delayed as before and hence bringing services closer to the people.

Going forward, SPM Orimba said, plans are underway to establish a permanent law court in every sub-county.

He said, Turkana West has a permanent court already established while serving Kakuma and Lokichogio in mobile court services.

The Lodwar Law Court for now, he said, is serving Lorugum, Kalokol and Lokiriama in mobile services in Turkana Central.

Orimba has asked development partners working in the justice sector in Turkana to support this noble cause.

On the stalled Lodwar High Court, Orimba expressed confidence that once funds are available, the construction of the high court will resume immediately.

Accompanying the Lodwar Senior Principal Magistrate were, Robert Biketi (Director, probation) and John Lotiir (Court Administrator).

By Peter Gitonga

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