Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Home > Counties > Rains at last, Ijara residents elated

Rains at last, Ijara residents elated

Heavy downpour engulfed Masalani town in Ijara sub-County Garissa County giving hope and a sigh of relief for Ijara constituency which has been affected by devastating drought for the last two years.

The rainfall which commenced last week has seen the entire Ijara Sub-county from Hulugho to Bothai and Ijara town getting inundated.

The residents who have been praying for rain for the last two years are thankful and offered prayers of appreciation to God.

Alhamdulilah! Now the rain is with us but on the flipside road are impassable especially at Boji along the Garissa-Hola and Mombasa -Masalani road, remarked Sadiq Gure a resident, who is also the sub county agriculture officer.

“The Kotile -wema and, Koreni area will be affected by the rain and that will be a nightmare for pedestrians and motor vehicles operating along the Garissa-Masalani Road and Masalani-Hola road”, observed Gure.

As the rains continue to pound the region, the agriculture officer called upon farmers to make use of the rain by planting crops instead of letting the enormous amount of water to flow freely to river Tana then to the Indian Ocean.

By Mohamed Dahir

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