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Covid-19 wreaks banana farming in Taveta

Banana  farmers  in Taveta sub-county are reporting losses running into millions of shillings as thousands of acres of banana crop waste away following the closure of Kongowea Market and hotels

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KEMFRI carries out fishing sustainability survey on border lakes

The  Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KEMFRI) has partnered with Taita-Taveta County government to conduct a scientific survey on Lake Challa and Jipe to explore modalities of sustainable fishing

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County distributes free Macadamia seedlings to boost income, tree cover

The  Taita  Taveta County Government has purchased over 8,500 macadamia seedlings to be distributed free of charge to  farmers to boost their income. The  free seedlings  will be given to farmers

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1,000 goats die from hypothermia disease in Taita Taveta 

Preliminary laboratory results from Mariakani Veterinary Investigation laboratory (VIL) have revealed that hypothermia disease caused the deaths of more than 1,000 goats and sheep last week in Kasigau location in

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