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Uasin Gishu DG calls for Urgent Interventions to curb violent extremism

There’s  an urgent need to put structures in place to counter violent extremism as it threatens the country’s democracy, constitutional rights and also affects the economy.

The Uasin Gishu County Deputy Governor, Daniel Chemno said the root cause of violent extremism is directly linked to structural environment that allows the breeding of radicalization especially amongst the youth.

Violent  extremism and radicalization are complex, multifaceted and intertwined, they are a product of historical, political, economic and social circumstances, including the impact of regional and global power politics, said Chemno during the opening of a two day workshop on countering violent extremism held at an Eldoret hotel.

The  DG urged all stakeholders to move with speed to implement the Uasin Gishu County Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) that  was launched in June this year.

The  County supports all efforts to ensure peace prevails by supporting structures and other strategies put in place to counter violent extremism that is not only a threat in Kenya but also across the world, “violent extremists all over the world are always looking for every opportunity to commit atrocities on innocent people,” added the DG.

“The  County has put in place measures that guarantee every Kenyan the safety to move and do their businesses across the entire county without fear of being attacked or threatened by anyone,” he stressed.

Chemno urged the residents of Uasin Gishu to report any suspicious characters to the nearest police posts or relevant government authority so as to ensure peaceful coexistence.

By  Kiptanui Cherono

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