A Catholic Bishop has decried massive corruption witnessed in the country saying it is posing hindrance to economic growth.
The Murang’a Catholic Diocese, Bishop Rev. James Maria Wainaina said Kenya was endowed with many resources but it was unfortunate the wealth of the country was benefiting few individuals due to corruption.
He stated that embezzlement of public funds meant for development denied the poor opportunities to access crucial services.
The country’s economic growth, Wainaina observed, could not be achieved if public funds continue to be pocketed by some individuals.
“No services including free treatment, better public transport infrastructure and better education will be attained if funds set to support such sectors among others are diverted to benefit some individuals,” added the Bishop during the archdiocese education day on Saturday.
The church, he said highly condemn corruption in the country and supports President Uhuru Kenyatta in his effort to fight the vice.
“Those perpetuating corruption should be netted, prosecuted and punished in the way befitting such social crimes,” he noted.
He said there is need to consider instilling values like transparency, honesty and other good morals to young learners so that as they come out of school they have the requisite knowledge on how to protect public funds and properties.
“Learners should be taught social values which will make them grow up being trustworthy individuals who will respect and take care of resources meant to support the society,” he added.
The Bishop reiterated that stolen money is not allowed in churches, saying those who take looted funds as offerings or any other form of support to areas of worship may attract a curse instead of blessings.
“When you want to support any church development project use money or resources you have acquired genuinely, and through this blessing of God will be upon you,” posed Wainaina.
Speaking during the same occasion, Kiharu MP, Ndindi Nyoro cautioned the departments of Public prosecution and criminal investigations to do their work professionally, saying what Kenyans want to see results.
Nyoro challenged DPP and DCI to do thorough investigations on corrupt cases to ensure those implicated with the vice are convicted.
“We are making all kinds of dramas on fight against corruption but drama alone will not be enough, we need to pursue these cases to the bottom and have culprits prosecuted and convicted,” added the legislator.
He said his bill to strengthen penalty on corruption has passed committee stage in the national assembly.
The Bill, Nyoro said is aimed to make minimal sentence for corruption offense to 10 years jail term or a fine of a million shillings,” he said.
“If the bill sails through it will help to tame corruption as stringent penalties will be introduced. Some people who have embezzled public funds have been using the same to pay fines in courts,” said Nyoro.
By Bernard Munyao