Monday, January 20, 2025
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Employees protest bid to merge water companies

Intense  disquiet  is  growing among employees of  two  water utilities in Nakuru County over plans to merge the two following a damning report of under-performance from the Public Investment and Accounts committee at the Nakuru County Assembly.

The  200 employees allied to the County Government Workers Union, Nakuru Water and Sewerage Company branch are accusing the Committee of misinformation and witch hunt are now demanding that the County`s executive rejects a recommendation for a merger that they said if implemented would render many jobless.

Addressing  reporters  at  the NAWASCO offices in Nakuru on Wednesday morning, the employees through the Union`s Chairman, Zephania  Nyambane  want  the  area  governor, Lee  Kinyanjui  and the committee to fast track pending bills worth over Sh.300 million owed  by  the County Government as at last month to stream line operations.

Nyakundi  said  the committee had last week made the recommendation after it established that NAWASCO and Nakuru Rural Water and Sewerage (NARUWASCO) Companies were operating at losses amounting to billions of shillings annually despite adequate rate payer funding.

The  Union Chairman  who terms the report as politically motivated refutes claims of losses saying the report that makes the recommendation does not reflect facts about efficiency and viability as is documented on audited books of accounts as at May 2019.

The  Union`s  Secretary General, Christopher  Makohka  wants  the Committee to help the water bodies realise its target of supplying 70, 000 up from the current 40,000 cubic meters of clean water a day by developing funding policies that would facilitate development of water reservoirs that could scale up the bodies efficiency.

He  said  the move would help to recover 40 per cent of water revenue lost to non-revenue water annually.

By  Jane  Ngugi/Dennis  Rasto

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