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Governor Ojaamong receives assets and liabilities report

Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong has officially received a report on assets and liabilities from the Busia Inter-Governmental County Committee (IGCC).

Committee chairman Patrick Afwande handed over the report to the governor at the Busia water department premises on Thursday. The report gives the status of assets and liabilities as at March 27, 2013.

The County Secretary, Finance Executive, Chief Officer Finance and the Clerk to the County Assembly also received copies for their respective offices.

The Governor said the report will ease pressure from the Senate which had put conditions to counties to have an Asset and Liabilities register in place, noting that more copies will be availed to Ward Administrators.

Afwande said despite encountering many challenges coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the smooth finalization of the work plan activities, they managed to present the report and an asset register to Inter-Governmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC).

The formation of the IGCC followed a directive from IGRTC, whose mandate was to identify, verify and transfer the assets and liabilities of the defunct local authorities for respective county governments as at March 27, 2013.

The Busia IGCC was established via Kenya Gazette notice no. 5711 of 21st June, 2019.

With the completion of its task, the ball now moves to the Multi-Agency Technical Committee responsible for establishment of an institutional framework to coordinate the valuation and transfer of assets and liabilities.

All the 47 counties are each expected to establish a County Asset and Valuation committee charged with the transfer of assets of defunct local authorities and national government related to devolved functions.

The committee’s chairperson shall be the County Executive Committee Member for Finance.

by Melechezedeck Ejakait

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