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Gov’t commits to improve Metrological infrastructure

The government has committed to give support for the development and improvement of the Metrology infrastructure and capacity to make the country a preferred destination for investment in product development and manufacturing.

Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development Cabinet Secretary (CS) Betty Maina said that the country can boast of having a very fine metrological scientific infrastructure covering a broad spectrum of measurement.

Speaking at a Nairobi hotel during the World Metrology Day celebrations, the CS said that there has been renewed interest in the manufacturing sector through the Big Four agenda seeking to increase the Gross domestic product (GDP) contribution of the sector to 15 per cent.

“I am happy to note that my Ministry through the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) continues to expand its measurement scope and invest heavily in advanced digitalized scientific infrastructure that aims to improve measurement and accuracy,” she said.

In a speech read on her behalf by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development Kirimi Kaberia, the CS said that the Ministry is implementing the standards and labelling program to reduce energy related carbon dioxide gas emissions by improving the energy efficiency of selected appliances and equipment in residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

“Calibrated equipment for measurement of emissions will greatly ensure the success of this program. The strides in the scientific community will strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Kenya,” said Maina.

Maina mentioned that the society is moving fast towards ample digital transformation, and it has become the main constituent of the development of digital quality infrastructure.

“The process of generation, measurement, and transfer of accurate and precise data traceable to international standards is rising globally and more so in Kenya’s digital economy,” she said.

KEBS Managing Director Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd.) Bernard Njiraini said that KEBS Metrology laboratories will continue to collaborate with all sectors of the economy for accurate day-to-day calibration of measurement equipment.

“Calibration reduces the potential risk of equipment performing out of specifications. Without calibration, there would be no accurate measurements which would create mayhem in the fields of research, development, and innovation,” Njiraini said.

Njiraini stated that 63 nations signed the meter convention treaty, Kenya being one of them through KEBS to provide the basis for a worldwide coherent measurement system.

“This system underpins scientific discovery and innovation, industrial manufacturing, and international trade, as well as the improvement of the quality of life and the protection of the global environment,” he said.

Furthermore, Njiraini commended KEBS collaborators and key stakeholders for being part and parcel of the metrological journey and its achievements adding that digital transformation is the gateway to support trade, scientific research activities and industrial advancement in Kenya.

By Alain Christian

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