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Kisumu unveils new medical book to streamline health sector

Kisumu County has made a great stride in the health sector following the launch of the first edition of the Medicines Formulary at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH).

The book will be fundamental in equipping the medical professionals in Lakeside County with the knowledge to enhance rational medicine usage. The book also promotes drug formulation, storage, infection and prevention control services and micro-stewardship.

Dr George Rae, CEO of JOOTRH, speaking during the occasion on Tuesday, hailed the development saying it would be resourceful in improving patients’ lives, promoting prudent usage of all medicines and enhancing safe and cost-effective medication at the referral facility.

Dr. George Rae, CEO of JOOTRH speaking at the launch of Medicines Formulary book on Tuesday. Photo by Robert Ojwang’

The County Health Department has expressed its commitment to adhere to the books’ guidelines to help restore the sector.

In his speech, Dr Rae highlighted the benefits of the book including but not limited to eliminating drugs shortage and drugs resistance among the sick.

Ricardo Echalar from USAID who graced the occasion acknowledged the inputs of many specialties and programs that are currently underway at JOOTRH. Of significance, he mentioned the Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (USAID MTaPS) program that focuses on infection and preventive services for diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. The initiative is funded by USAID MTaPS in collaboration with the County Government of Kisumu.

“The sharing of values and interests towards medicine formulation and providing appropriate guidance on usage to all medical products at all levels will improve on access, services and better health outcomes,” Echalar said.

JOOTRH is trailblazing in many areas being one of the hospitals that pilot the Universal Health Care (UHC) on President Uhuru’s Big 4 Agenda.

USAID MTaPS was established to enable low and middle-income countries to strengthen their pharmaceutical systems to ensure sustainable access to and appropriate use of essential medicines and related pharmaceutical services.

By Robert Ojwang’

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