Thursday, January 16, 2025
Home > Business & Finance > Property of unknown value destroyed as NCA reclaim riparian land

Property of unknown value destroyed as NCA reclaim riparian land

Property  of  unknown value was destroyed after National Construction Authority moved to reclaim riparian lands in Kisii  County.

The Building structures along river Nyakomisaro which runs through Nyancwa and Kisii town were targeted with those  affected being mainly Kisii University Students who lived as tenants in the buildings.

One landlord John Bosire denied that they were given notice to demolish their buildings by October last year and others by February this year when NCA marked the said buildings.

Some tenants who cried foul over their paid up April rent said they did not have a place to put up.

“I had paid this month’s rent and no one informed me that I was supposed to move out,” lamented Elijah Nyamote.

“The government should compensate university students for undertaking this activity during their vacation,” appealed Evans  Nyaigoti.

Stakeholders  including Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA), National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), County  Commissioner’s and County Government’s representatives, National Building Inspectorate and National Disaster management unit were present.

The team which is in Kisii for four days within which time more structures were expected to come down, said a statement would be given later.

According to 2012 estimates, Kisii municipality has a population of about 400, 000. It has a large dependent metropolitan population of over 100, 000 residents, as per the latest national population and housing census of 2009.

There is an acute shortage of land in Kisii and most of its suburbs have developed without proper planning. This has led to many to encroach on riparian and road reserves leading to such consequences.

By  Jane  Naitore

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