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Residents Cautioned Against Unnecessary Court Battles

The  Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner (CC), Ms. Beverly Opwora has cautioned residents of the county against rushing to court over issues that can be addressed outside the court describing some legal battles as counterproductive.

“When some individuals rush to court to stop slow moving government projects it complicates the situation to the extent that the projects may end up being terminated at the disadvantage of the residents of the county,” said the CC.

Ms. Opwora who was speaking during the county Mashujaa Day celebrations held at Kajiunduthi grounds in Maara Sub-county said aggrieved parties should use alternative dispute resolution mechanisms rather than court battles that are not only costly but also likely to delay the projects or lead to termination all together.

“ I also call on those who may have disputes over land to desist from rushing to court where they may incur costs that may not even be commensurate with the piece of land involved besides lengthening the land adjudication and registration process” she advised the resident.

The senior administrator further directed education officers to ensure that all the standard eight candidates who sit for this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations proceed to secondary school in line with the government’s policy of 100% transition.

Ms Opwora further disclosed that the national government was in agreement with the Council of Governors in the fight against gender based violence and hence the formation of the County Sector Working Group to fight the vice that has cost the country 46 million in losses.

On matters related to conflicts between farmers and pastoralists in Tharaka constituency the CC said the government should be informed whenever land owners rent their pastureland to external livestock herders to avoid people grazing on others land illegally.

She also advised the residents in the county to harvest rain water during this rain season for domestic and irrigation purposes once the rains stop to avoid a scenario of water trucking has it happened recently,

Ms. Opwora hailed her Deputy for Maara Sub-county for supporting youth talent and advised the youth to exploit their talent in income generating rather than waste themselves in illicit liquor and drug abuse.

The CC said her security team will not relent on illicit brews and drug peddling in the county adding that over 3000 culprits have been arrested and charged in court many of whom have been fined heavily or are serving long jail terms.

She said “Nyumba Kumi” will continue to be strengthened to help eliminate illicit brew and drug abuse besides other crimes to the grassroots level to ensure the few criminal elements are smoked out of their hideouts and the county continues to prosper economically.

Speaking during the event the County Governor, Muthomi Njuki called on the county residents to come out in huge numbers and give their input during public participation forums rather that sit back and later cry foul when the concluded projects are being implemented.

Njuki said it is not possible to go to each and everyone’s office to seek their view and hence the need for everone to attend and give their input in public participation forums.

The governor said agriculture is the major economic activity in the county and hence his government’s commitment to subsidizing seeds and Artificial Insemination (AI) for livestock especially dairy cattle to as low as shs. 400.

He further disclosed that once sufficient milk is produced in the county a milk processing plant will be established at the Tharaka Technical Training college to boost dairy farming in the county.

Njuki further on the Tharaka Nithi County Assembly to cup up with policies to address the planting of eucalyptus along riparian areas and sand harvesting on river bends to addressing drying of reverser shortages during dry spells.

The governor concluded by calling on the health personnel to engage his government to thrush out their grievances rather than downing their tools and subjecting innocent patients to undue suffering.

Apart from senior county government officers, the speaker and members of the County Assembly and national government heads of departments , the dignitaries present were, the Chuka Igambang’ombe Member of Parliament and the Chuka High Court Judge, Justice Robert Limo.

By  David Mutwiri

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