BMU members call for investigations over alleged mismanagement

The  Mnarani Beach Management Unit (BMU) members in Kilifi County have called for audit and investigations of the outfit alleging mismanagement and misuse of funds. They complained that they have not been getting any financial support, including loans though the unit has been generating a lot of revenue including parking fees from foreign fishermen. “Our […]

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Fishermen threaten to demonstrate against County Executive Member

The  Homa Bay County Beach Management Unit (BMU) wants Governor  Awiti  to sack the County Executive Member in charge of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries due to incompetency. The BMU which brings together more than 80, 000 fishermen along Lake Victoria has threatened to hold a demonstration in Homa Bay Town, if the Governor fails to […]

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County government distributes engine boats to enhance lake patrol

Siaya  county government has distributed patrol boat engines to Uyawi, Sifu and Lihunda beaches in Central Sakwa ward in Bondo sub counties to enhance security in the lake. Speaking  at  Lihunda Beach, Siaya Governor, Cornel Rasanga  said the engines will be used by the Beach Management Units (BMU) to fight the use of illegal fishing […]

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