Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Home > Counties > Vulnerable, the elderly and PWDs receive gifts from Woman rep

Vulnerable, the elderly and PWDs receive gifts from Woman rep

Over 120 vulnerable families, elderly and persons with disabilities from Machakos and Kathiani sub counties have received assorted early Christmas gifts from Machakos Woman representative Joyce Kamene Kasimbi.

Kamene while speaking to journalists at the ACK All Souls Cathedral in Machakos town said that she targets to help a higher number of vulnerable families from other sub counties with food and basic needs to make them feel loved and part of the community.

She called upon Machakos residents who are capable of helping, to offer a helping hand to the needy, elderly and PWD especially during this festive season because they matter and are part of the community.

“It is the responsibility of everyone who is capable to help the needy and PWD with food and basic needs,” said Kamene.

Kamene implored the National Council for People with Disability (NCPWD) to fast track the issuing of disability cards that will help them access benefits on education, health and employment.

The Woman rep added that they have held talks with the vulnerable families and PWDs and they disclosed that they have been undermined by their families on land issues after their parents died as some were kicked out of their properties and were left to die in the streets.

Kamene called upon Machakos lawyers to help them in following up the legal process on their land issues while ensuring they get a fair hearing and acquire their title deeds.

The vulnerable families, the elderly and PWDs received cooking oil, rice, sugar, flour beans, milk and some cash for them to enjoy the festive season with other residents and not feel left out.

By Anne Kangero


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