Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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School pleads for toilets

Parents and teachers of Ole Koonyo Primary School in Narok East constituency are crying foul as their school with a population of 400 pupils lack toilets.

The  School’s Deputy headteacher, Ms Rahab Kuluo said the school has only two depreciating toilets, one for girls and another for boys, which have no doors and risk sinking since the foundation is shaking.

She lamented that the pupils have to make long queues in a bid to use the toilets hence interfering with the classroom hours.

On many occasions, Ms Kuluo said the children are forced to use the nearby bushes to relieve themselves, a situation that has contributed to an increasing number of water-borne diseases among the young learners.

“It’s unfortunate that girls have to use the bushes to dispose of their used pads during menses. In other occasions, the little children urinate on themselves which makes them uncomfortable to continue with the day’s activities,” lamented the Deputy Headteacher.

She reiterated that following the long dry spell that hit the county in the last months, most of the livestock which is their main source of income died leaving more desperate with no source of funds to help in building the toilets.

“The public health department has visited this school on several occasions and warned that if the toilets are not built the school risk closure. We plead to any well-wishers to come to our rescue in a bid to enable the learners to continue with their studies,” said Ms Kuluo.

A  total of Sh. 109 Million, National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) was allocated to the constituency in the current financial year.

By  Ann  Salaton

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